Mercedes Benz World, spread over 62.7 hectares of the Brook land's racing circuit site, is a treat for its visitors; offering them an experience of fun and learning. A visitor can check out the latest models and can gain insights about the brand by interacting with the wonderful officials at the zone. The showroom is home to several of the brand's top notch models ranging from A class to S class, it even stocks the CL class coupe.
Though they are all aimed at bringing the brand closer to its consumers, for a couple of reasons, this largest of the 5 Mercedes Benz Worlds, is also unique. The site is located at the heritage location where Mercedes won at the Brook lands opening race during the year 1907. The hands on driving experience will be available on the 2.5 km handling circuit and the 4.04 hectares off road terrain course. Most people are of the view that among all the customer experience centers launched by Mercedes, this one certainly tops the charts.
A new development in the Mercedes Benz World is a new 3 storey building that lets users experience a virtual interactive world. There is much competition in the automotive industry, which constantly affects the brand's success, is what the chairman of the Daimler Chrysler's board of management, was heard saying at the official opening of the place; he is also the head of the Mercedes Car Group. He further pointed out the rise in the design and manufacturing standards of all car brands; which has made it even more difficult to maintain a unique brand identity.
Each year the Mercedes Benz world expects to attract a whopping 300.000 visitors. The models offered by Mercedes are best suited for a family to drive in and experience the pleasures of luxury driving. The CEO also showed a keen interest in involving the automotive lovers and developing newer and better ideas to help the brand flourish in the years to come. Apart from the offers for the adults, an attractive offer has been set for the minors who can get their firsthand experience on driving in these swanky cars.
Also praiseworthy is their effort towards overall development of the area; including offering of flood protection the neighboring businesses and homes, from the River Wey. Following the same path, they are also working on regenerating the community park, which is 24.2 hectare in area; and once the Mercedes Benz World is opened, will be handed back to Elm Bridge Borough Council. Also there has been their work towards saving the original Brook land's circuit, from further decay; and their contribution towards reopening of the famous Railway Straight, after almost half a century. The purpose of the Mercedes Benz world is not just to nurture the rich heritage of the brand but develop the area around to help the community around. He sincerely hopes that the facilities of the Mercedes Benz World would be much appreciated by the local residents, along with their regenerated community park.
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